ChariotMS Trial
The ChariotMS Trial is currently testing if a drug called Cladribine can slow down the worsening of hand and arm function for people with more advanced progressive MS.
Read all about the trial, which is supported by the MS Society.
If you are thinking of taking part, you might like to chat to Emma, our MS health and wellbeing advisor. Call us on 01234 325781 to make an appointment.
The ChariotMS trial currently has 32 participants with a target of 200. It will run until at least September, but more likely, December 2023.
Participants should have an EDSS (Expanded Disability Status Scale) score of 6.5 to 8.5. This means they can’t walk further than 20 meters with two crutches, or are unable to walk at all, but still have some use of their arms and hands.
If you have advanced progressive MS and might be interested in joining the trial, you are advised to request your GP or consultant write a simple letter of referral to the nearest Principal Investigator. At the Luton and Dunstable Hospital this is Dr Floriana deAngelis.
If you are not in regular touch with the NHS and believe you are eligible, please email: